Some believe that the morning is by far the best time to consume carbs because your body will have all day to break them down. Alternatively, some people believe that eating carbs pre or post-workout is actually more beneficial. The best time to consume carbohydrates is truly a combination of different times.
Eating carbs in the morning can make you feel more full until the next meal. Things like oatmeal and organic breads will give you energy for your day and keep you satiated for much longer in comparison to other foods.
What pre-workout carbs to choose can vary depending on how long prior to your workout you plan on taking in said carbs. For example, thirty minutes before you start a hard workout, you may want to have something light and refined, like organic toast or bagel with jam.
Post-workout carbs should be consumed within thirty minutes of completing the workout for optimum efficiency. More beneficial carbs after the workout could include a smoothie, or toast with avocado. Healthy fats and proteins along with some simple carbs can really boost your workout.
As with anything, carbs need to be consumed in moderation to truly see the benefits. Whether you choose to start your day with a slice of hearty sprouted wheat bread with your favorite jam, or end your workout with a slice of Italian organic sourdough bread and avocado, Stone House Bread always has the right option for any time of day.