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Best Way to Store Sourdough Bread & Keep It Fresh! Know Your Dough

🥖 Best Way to Store Sourdough Bread & Keep It Fresh! Know Your Dough🍞

Wondering how to keep your sourdough fresh? Our pre-sliced, naturally fermented sourdough is made without preservatives, so proper storage is key!

âś… Short-Term Storage (1-2 Days): Keep your bread sealed at room temperature for up to two days to maintain the best texture and flavor. After that, move it to the fridge or freezer for longer storage.

âś… Refrigerate for Up to 1 Week: Unlike most breads, our artisan sourdough stays fresh in the fridge without drying out! Storing in the fridge prevents mold while keeping the slices ready to enjoy.

✅ Best Long-Term Storage: Freeze it! ❄️ Since our bread is pre-sliced, you can take out what you need daily and warm it in the toaster or oven—bringing back that fresh-baked taste.

💡 Pro Tip: Avoid leaving sourdough out too long—it’s best stored in a sealed bag at room temp for a day or two, then refrigerated or frozen for maximum freshness!

Stock up and store it right! Order your next loaf here:

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Look for Stone House Bread’s handcrafted loaves in the bakery aisle of your favorite stores.

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