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9 Grain Bread a “Healthy” Treat!

Stone House 9 Grain Bread a “Healthy” Treat!
By Denise Kling-Pelto, CHNC
PNBSG Culinary Curator and Transitions Instructor and PCRM FFL Instructor
Stone House 9 Grain Sour Dough Bread allowed me to integrate bread back into my husband’s and my plant-based diet. Marty, was diagnosed with egregious heart disease in 2008. 100% blockage on the ““Widow Maker” and 60% blockage on the right, and 80% on the left. He refused bi-pass, but a very talented cardiac surgeon was able to install stents into his heart. After his surgery, he was put on statins. His kidney numbers went south and he started experience horrific muscle pain. We had to find an alternative.
Plant-Based diet became our answer. We read Caldwell Esselstyn’s Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Marty reversed his disease, lost 60 lbs and never looked back. Esselstyn’s “Plant Perfect” regimen does not allow more than 10% of your calories come from fat and NO OIL. Oil products extract all the healthy aspects of a plant and irritate the all-important “endothelium”. The “endothelium” lines all of our vessels. It becomes inflamed from oils and becomes “sticky”. That causes the gnarly blockages in his and other’s hearts. Abandoning the Standard American Diet in 2009, Marty was able to start on the road to reversing his heart disease. 11 years later, he no longer needs a bypass and only takes Vitamin D3, an 80 mg aspirin and B12.
Stone House does NOT add oil to their 9 Grain Sour Dough Bread. It instantly became our “Go To” bread. Marty works in construction, so he takes a lunch to the work site every day. 9 Grain bread “sandwiched” all of our plant-based favorites. Our “yummiest” use of the bread is to make pizza. One cannot find pizza crust without oil. Even the cauliflower crusted bread use oil. I take a piece of 9 Grain Bread, slather on the pizza sauce, onions, mushrooms, peppers, “Cauliflower Taco Meet” (Check out, sliced artichoke hearts, and the NO-fat Cheeze Sauce (
Amazingly, I called Tonie Spearing, owner of Stone House Bread, and became a store demonstrator of this marvelous product. Stone House has healthy, yummy and organic breads. I love going into my local grocers and introducing this tasty bread. We always make sure there is a loaf of 7 Grain on the counter and one in freezer. Thank you to Stone House, who made our diet not only healthy, but convenient.

Always Freshly Delivered

Look for Stone House Bread’s handcrafted loaves in the bakery aisle of your favorite stores.